星期二, 7月 26, 2005


7/25 台北馬偕產檢



(尤其是批價處的歐巴桑以一付命令人的口氣說道「那本(指媽媽手冊)不需要! 收起來!」....#$%^&&^%$#@!)

第四次 (2005/07/25)




左圖是寶寶腦袋瓜上方; 右方白色長條則是寶寶大腿骨,骨長(FL)4.67cm。

其他一些測量數據還包括: 胎頭頂骨間徑(BPD)6.53cm、腹圍長度(AC)2.10cm等。






Pericentric inversion of the chromosome 9, inv(9)(p11q13), is such a common occurrence that some cytogeneticists would consider them as normal variants.

The incidence is said to be about 1% to 1.65% in the general population.

Despite being categorised as a minor chromosomal rearrangement which does not correlate with abnormal phenotypes, many reports in the literature raised conflicting views regarding the association with subfertility and recurrent abortions, abnormal clinical conditions, as well as chromosomal abnormalities arising as a result of having this inversion.

We studied the incidence and clinical significance of inv(9)(p11q13) patients retrospectively from 2448 antenatal cytogenetic analysis and 1058 peripheral blood karyotype collected over a 3-year period.

Thirty cases of inv(9)(p11q13) from 29 families were found from the antenatal group, which gave an incidence of 1.2% and 6 cases from the peripheral blood karyotype analysis (incidence of 0.6%).

The parental origin of the inv(9)(p11q13) in the antenatal group was of equal proportion and there was also no sex predilection for the fetuses carrying the inversion.

The babies with the inversion were born with no phenotypic abnormalities. The 6 cases picked up from the peripheral blood karyotype analysis were 2 cases of paediatric patients with associated chromosomal abnormalities (one Trisomy 21 and the other del 13(q22q32)) and 4 adult patients with obstetric and fertility problems.

The incidence of subfertility (36%) appeared to be high amongst the adult patients with inv(9)(p11q13).

This may represent a true reflection of subfertility in inv(9)(p11q13) patients or a selective bias towards the older subfertile women who conceive at a later age and thus utilising the antenatal diagnostic setup.

Ann Acad Med Singapore. 1995 Mar;24(2):302-4. Pericentric inversion 9--incidence and clinical significance. Teo SH, Tan M, Knight L, Yeo SH, Ng I.






星期日, 7月 10, 2005







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